mercredi 15 octobre 2014

Largest collection of videogames memorabila

Brett Martin named king of video game memorabilia by Guinness in the ...

In 1989, eight-year-old Brett Martin’s (USA) parents gave him a 4-cm (1.6-in) Mario holding 
a mushroom. As of October 2012, Brett has amassed a treasure trove of 8,030 items, many 
of which you can see

Tbilisi, Georgia -- Georgian Etibar Elchyev, a 39-year-old kick-boxing trainer, managed to secure 50 spoons around his neck and chest , setting the world record for the Most spoons balanced on a human body, according to World Record Academy 

The Guinness world record for the most spoons balanced on the face is 17 and was achieved by Aaron Caissie (Canada) on the set of Lo Show dei Record, in Milan, Italy.

jeudi 9 octobre 2014

Largest Drum Kit

Ambitious percussion group Drumartic, has built World largest Drum Kit Big Boom, fully functional replica drum kit.It measures 6.5 m (21 ft) tall by 8 m (26 ft) wide and was presented and measured in Lienz, Austria. It's already listed in the Guinness world record of 2014.

mercredi 8 octobre 2014

 World's largest rideable motorcycle


Measuring 5.10 m from the ground to the top of the handlebars, and weighing 5,000kg,

 Reggiani has constructed the world's largest rideable motorcycle, which is recognised

 in the  Guinness World Records 2014 book. The motorcycle was ridden over a

 100 meters course at Montecchio Emilia, Italy.

       Fastest 100 meters in high heels                     

                  The fastest 100 meters ever run by a woman in high heels happened in just
                 14.53 seconds Julia Plecher attained the record on the set of Guinness World 
                  Records in Europa, in Germany on 13/07/2012.


mardi 7 octobre 2014

The first dog to do surf

Abbie girl, an Australian sheepdog, holds the record of the longer wave surfed
by a dog .This wave measured 107 ,2 meters long. She surfed it at Ocean beach
dog in San Diego (California) . She's fond of extreme sports as she also likes to 
make parachute jumps .